Sales EQ: How Ultra High Performers Leverage Sales-Specific Emotional...
The New Psychology of Selling
View ArticleThe Future-Proof Workplace: Six Strategies to Accelerate Talent Development,...
The Future-Proof Workplace is a survival guide for the new realities of business. The future is no longer some far-off destination; it is here, right now, and already changing the way we work....
View ArticleInvesting in Income Properties: The Big Six Formula for Achieving Wealth in...
Create income property wealth
View ArticleMontréal Exchange Interest Rate Derivative Trading Ceases At 1:30 P.M....
Interest rate derivative trading will cease at 1:30 p.m. today, April 13, 2017. Furthermore, the Exchange's markets will be closed on April 14, 2017.
View ArticleBlockchain Pioneer nChain Acquired Ny High Tech Private Equity Fund SICAV plc
Blockchain pioneer nChain and a group of affiliated companies have been acquired by High Tech Private Equity Fund SICAV plc, an EU regulated investment fund managed by Accuro Fund more...
View ArticleBuilding The Infrastructure To Realise FinTech’s Promise - Speech By...
I am grateful to Nicola Anderson, Sharmista Appaya, Alice Carr, Helen George, Andrew Hauser, Rosey Jeffrey, Varun Paul, Gregory Stevens and Iain de Weymarn for their assistance in preparing these...
View ArticleSaudi Stock Exchange Updates On Major Capital Market Reforms - Improvements...
Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) today provided an update of its progress across a range of far-reaching capital market reforms to enhance efficiency, corporate governance, and transparency. The reforms...
View ArticleRisk Management with Supply Contracts -- by Heitor Almeida, Kristine Watson...
Purchase obligations are forward contracts with suppliers and are used more broadly than traded commodity derivatives. This paper is the first to document that these contracts are a risk management...
View ArticleTradability and the Labor-Market Impact of Immigration: Theory and Evidence...
In this paper, we show that labor-market adjustment to immigration differs across tradable and nontradable occupations. Theoretically, we derive a simple condition under which the arrival of...
View ArticleHow the Growing Gap in Life Expectancy May Affect Retirement Benefits and...
Older Americans have experienced dramatic gains in life expectancy in recent decades, but an emerging literature reveals that these gains are accumulating mostly to those at the top of the income...
View ArticleFirm Heterogeneity in Skill Demands -- by David Deming, Lisa B. Kahn
We study variation in skill demands across firms and labor markets using job vacancy postings. We categorize a wide range of keywords found in job ads into ten general skills. We find a positive...
View ArticleDid the Reform Fix the London Fix Problem? -- by Takatoshi Ito, Masahiro Yamada
This paper examines the consequences of the 2015 reform on the London fixing in the interbank forex market, which resulted from finding and imposing a penalty on banks' collusive behavior around the...
View ArticleEstimating the Gains from New Rail Transit Investment: A Machine Learning...
Urban rail transit investments are expensive and irreversible. Since people differ with respect to their demand for trips, their value of time, and the types of real estate they live in, such projects...
View ArticleIs Europe an Optimal Political Area? -- by Alberto Alesina, Guido Tabellini,...
Employing a wide range of individual-level surveys, we study the extent of cultural and institutional heterogeneity within the EU and how this changed between 1980 and 2008. We present several novel...
View ArticleOffshore Profit Shifting and Domestic Productivity Measurement -- by Fatih...
Official statistics display a significant slowdown in U.S. aggregate productivity growth that begins in 2004. In this paper, we investigate a source of mismeasurement in official statistics, which...
View ArticleChina's GDP Growth May be Understated -- by Hunter Clark, Maxim Pinkovskiy,...
Concerns about the quality of China's official GDP statistics have been a perennial question in understanding its economic dynamics. We use data on satellite-recorded nighttime lights as an independent...
View ArticleEvolution of Assessments of the Economics of Global Warming: Changes in the...
Many areas of the natural and social sciences involve complex systems that link together multiple sectors. Integrated assessment models (IAMs) are approaches that integrate knowledge from two or more...
View ArticleCUSIP Requests Climb Again In March Signaling Corporate And Muni Bond Surge -...
CUSIP Global Services (CGS) today announced the release of its CUSIP Issuance Trends Report for March 2017. The report, which tracks the issuance of new security identifiers as an early indicator of...
View ArticleB3 Launches “Report Or Explain For The Sustainable Development Goals...
Today B3 launches its “Report or Explain for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” initiative. Starting this year, B3 will ask listed companies to disclose on an annual basis whether they publish...
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