Controller as Business Manager
This publication will help finance and accounting managers understand and apply a critical set of financial and business management skill sets in order to become more integral contributors to the...
View ArticleBuilding the Internet of Things: Implement New Business Models, Disrupt...
Building Internet of Things provides front-line business decision makers with a practical handbook for capitalizing on this latest transformation. Focusing on the business implications of Internet of...
View ArticleBankruption: How Community Banking Can Survive Fintech
Bankruption + Website offers a survival guide for community banks and credit unions searching for relevance amidst immense global competition and fintech startups. Author John Waupsh is the Chief...
View ArticleMerchandising, Choice, and Shopper Satisfaction
Wharton's Barbara Kahn explains her new research on how merchandising layouts affect buying behavior as well as shopper satisfaction.
View ArticleDistrust Forecasts
Photo Credit: New America || Could only drive through the rear-view mirrorread more...
View ArticleJimmy Kimmel's Take on New Year's Resolutions
I posted this funny video clip from Jimmy Kimmel last year just a few days into the new year. It's worth another look!
View ArticleA Theory of Experience Effects. (arXiv:1612.09553v1 [q-fin.EC])
How do financial crises and stock-market fluctuations affect investor behavior and the dynamics of financial markets in the long run? Recent evidence suggests that individuals overweight personal...
View ArticleThe Industry Supply Function and the Long-Run Competitive Equilibrium with...
The theory of long-run competitive equilibrium (LRCE), first developed by Marshall in the 1890s, has had a profound influence on our understanding of competitive markets. While Marshall referred to the...
View ArticleA spectral method for an Optimal Investment problem with Transaction Costs...
This paper concerns the numerical solution of the finite-horizon Optimal Investment problem with transaction costs under Potential Utility. The problem is initially posed in terms of an evolutive HJB...
View ArticleThe Random Walk behind Volatility Clustering. (arXiv:1612.09344v1 [q-fin.ST])
Financial price changes obey two universal properties: they follow a power law and they tend to be clustered in time. The second regularity, known as volatility clustering, entails some predictability...
View ArticleCan the Central Bank Alleviate Fiscal Burdens? -- by Ricardo Reis
Central banks affect the resources available to fiscal authorities through the impact of their policies on the public debt, as well as through their income, their mix of assets, their liabilities, and...
View ArticleSocial Image and Economic Behavior in the Field: Identifying, Understanding...
Many people care about how they are perceived by those around them. A number of recent field experiments in economics have found that such social image concerns can have powerful effects on a range of...
View ArticleForgetting and Heterogeneity in Task Delay: Evidence from New York City...
We study response behavior of New York City parking-ticket recipients by analyzing administrative data on 6.6 million tickets issued to 2 million individuals over two years. Exploiting variation (from...
View ArticleThe Historical Evolution of the Wealth Distribution: A Quantitative-Theoretic...
This paper employs the benchmark heterogeneous-agent model used in macroeconomics to examine drivers of the rise in wealth inequality in the U.S. over the last thirty years. Several plausible...
View ArticleCorporate Control around the World -- by Gur Aminadav, Elias Papaioannou
We provide an autopsy of the patterns of corporate control and ownership concentration in a dataset covering more than 40,000 listed firms from 127 countries over 2004âÂÂ2012. Employing a plethora...
View ArticleClimate Change and Growth Risks -- by Ravi Bansal, Marcelo Ochoa, Dana Kiku
To study the welfare implications of rising temperature we propose a temperature-augmented long-run risks model that accounts for the interaction between temperature, economic growth and risk. The...
View ArticleFiring Costs, Misallocation, and Aggregate Productivity -- by Jose-Maria...
We assess the quantitative impact of firing costs on aggregate total factor productivity (TFP) in a dynamic general-equilibrium framework where the distribution of establishment-level productivity is...
View ArticleRecent Trends in U.S. Top Income Shares in Tax Record Data Using More...
Access to IRS personal income tax records improves researchers' ability to track U.S. income and inequality, especially at the very top of the distribution (Piketty and Saez 2003). However, rather than...
View ArticleTo Work for Yourself, for Others, or Not At All? How Disability Benefits...
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Disability Compensation (DC) program provides disability benefits to nearly one in five military veterans in the US and its annual expenditures exceed $60...
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