The Effects of the Early Retirement Age on Retirement Decisions -- by...
We present quasi-experimental evidence on the effects of increasing the Early Retirement Age (ERA) on older workers' retirement decisions. The analysis is based on social security reforms in Austria in...
View ArticleAfrica's Prospects for Enjoying a Demographic Dividend -- by David E. Bloom,...
We assess Africa's prospects for enjoying a demographic dividend. While fertility rates and dependency ratios in Africa remain high, they have started to decline. According to UN projections, they will...
View ArticleMatch or Mismatch? Automatic Admissions and College Preferences of Low- and...
We examine the role of information in the college matching behavior of low- and high-income students, exploiting a state automatic admissions policy that provides some students with perfect a priori...
View ArticleDo Low Levels of Blood Lead Reduce Children's Future Test Scores? -- by Anna...
We construct a unique individual-level longitudinal dataset linking preschool blood lead levels with third grade test scores for eight birth cohorts of Rhode Island children born between 1997 and 2005....
View ArticleThe Economic Consequences of the 1953 London Debt Agreement -- by Gregori...
In 1953 the Western Allied powers implemented a radical debt-relief plan that would, in due course, eliminate half of West Germany's external debt and create a series of favourable debt repayment...
View ArticleSocial Capital, Trust and Well-being in the Evaluation of Wealth -- by Kirk...
We combine theory with data from different domains to provide an empirical analysis of the scale and variability of social capital as wealth. This is used to argue, given what we have learned in the...
View ArticleThe Outlook for U.S. Labor-Quality Growth -- by Canyon Bosler, Mary C. Daly,...
Over the past 15 years, labor-quality growth has been very strong--defying nearly all earlier projections--and has added around 0.5 percentage points to an otherwise modest U.S. productivity picture....
View ArticleSmoke Gets in Your Eyes: Medical Marijuana Laws and Tobacco Use -- by Anna...
This study comprehensively examines whether medical marijuana laws (MMLs) have affected the trajectory of a decades-long decline in adult tobacco use in the United States. Using data from three large...
View ArticleWho Should Own and Control Urban Water Systems? Historical Evidence from...
Nearly 40% of England's privately built waterworks were municipalised in the late 19th century. We examine how this affected public health by pairing annual mortality data for over 600 registration...
View ArticleWhat Goes on Under the Hood? How Engineers Innovate in the Automotive Supply...
The questions addressed in this volume are motivated by the recognition that engineers play an important role in generating innovation and economic growth. In this chapter, we seek to offer some...
View ArticleMultinational Firms and International Business Cycle Transmission -- by...
We investigate how multinational firms contribute to the transmission of shocks across countries using a large multi-country firm-level dataset that contains cross-border ownership information. We use...
View ArticleTokyo Commodity Exchange: Trading And Rules Under The Next Generation System...
TOCOM next generation trading system is slated to go live on Tuesday, September 20, 2016. read more...
View ArticleSGX Announcement-Appointment Of Chairman
The Directors of Singapore Exchange (SGX) are pleased to announce their election of Mr Kwa Chong Seng to succeed Mr Chew Choon Seng as Chairman of the more...
View ArticleSEC: Investor Protection In The Municipal Securities Markets, Rick A....
Thank you, Lynnette [Kelly], for that kind introduction and for inviting me to participate in your event today. It has been a pleasure to spend time with a variety of regulators who are on the front...
View ArticleSEC Adopts Amendments Providing Authorities Access To Data Obtained by...
The Securities and Exchange Commission today adopted amendments to a rule that would require security-based swap data repositories to make data available to regulators and other authorities, allowing...
View ArticleNetworks: An Economic Perspective. (arXiv:1608.07901v1 [physics.soc-ph])
We discuss social network analysis from the perspective of economics. We organize the presentaion around the theme of externalities: the effects that one's behavior has on others' well-being....
View ArticleShort-Time Expansions for Call Options on Leveraged ETFs Under Exponential...
In this article, we consider the small-time asymptotics of options on a Leveraged Exchange-Traded Fund (LETF) when the underlying Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) exhibits both local volatility and jumps of...
View ArticleRethinking Financial Contagion. (arXiv:1608.07831v1 [q-fin.RM])
How, and to what extent, does an interconnected financial system endogenously amplify external shocks? This paper attempts to reconcile some apparently different views emerged after the 2008 crisis...
View ArticleCausality and Correlations between BSE and NYSE indexes: A Janus Faced...
We study the multi-scale temporal correlations and causality connections between the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) monthly average closing price indexes for a period of...
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