The Gap within the Gap: Using Longitudinal Data to Understand Income...
Gaps in educational achievement between high- and low-income children are growing. Administrative datasets maintained by states and districts lack information about income but do indicate whether a...
View ArticleDepreciation of Business R&D Capital -- by Wendy C.Y. Li, Bronwyn H. Hall
We develop a forward-looking profit model to estimate the depreciation rates of business R&D capital. By using data from Compustat, BEA, and NSF between 1987 and 2008, and the newly developed...
View ArticleDynamic Effects of Teacher Turnover on the Quality of Instruction -- by Eric...
It is widely believed that teacher turnover adversely affects the quality of instruction in urban schools serving predominantly disadvantaged children, and a growing body of research investigates...
View ArticleTobacco Regulation and Cost-Benefit Analysis: How Should We Value Foregone...
Recent tobacco regulations proposed by the Food and Drug Administration have raised a thorny question: how should the cost-benefit analysis accompanying such policies value foregone consumer surplus...
View ArticleCognitive Performance and Labor Market Outcomes -- by Dajun Lin, Randall...
We use information from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79) and supplementary data sources to examine how cognitive performance, measured at approximately the end of secondary...
View ArticleDoes "Ban the Box" Help or Hurt Low-Skilled Workers? Statistical...
Jurisdictions across the United States have adopted "ban the box" (BTB) policies preventing employers from conducting criminal background checks until late in the job application process. Their goal is...
View ArticleTrends and Cycles in Small Open Economies: Making The Case For A General...
Economic research into the causes of business cycles in small open economies is almost always undertaken using a partial equilibrium model. This approach is characterized by two key assumptions. The...
View ArticleEconomic Conditions and Children's Mental Health -- by Ezra Golberstein,...
Research linking economic conditions and health largely ignores children's mental health problems, which are the most common and consequential health issues for children and adolescents. We examine the...
View ArticleOn the Distribution of the Welfare Losses of Large Recessions -- by Dirk...
How big are the welfare losses from severe economic downturns, such as the U.S. Great Recession? How are those losses distributed across the population? In this paper we answer these questions using a...
View ArticleEfficiency of Flexible Budgetary Institutions -- by T. Renee Bowen, Ying...
Which budgetary institutions result in efficient provision of public goods? We analyze a model with two parties bargaining over the allocation to a public good each period. Parties place different...
View ArticleThe Effect of Occupational Licensing on Consumer Welfare: Early Midwifery...
Occupational licensing is intended to protect consumers. Whether it does so is an important, but unanswered, question. Exploiting variation across states and municipalities in the timing and details of...
View ArticleMeasuring Time Preferences -- by Jonathan D. Cohen, Keith Marzilli Ericson,...
We review research that measures time preferences - i.e., preferences over intertemporal tradeoffs. We distinguish between studies using financial flows, which we call "money earlier or later" (MEL)...
View ArticleDoes Hosting the Olympics Make Economic Sense?
Each year, we hear about the amazing construction programs embarked upon by countries and cities hosting the Olympic Games. The cost of hosting the Olympics has skyrocketed. The Beijing Olympics...
View ArticleEEX Group: Key Figures Of July 2016
EEX Group provides the central market platform for energy and commodity products. The offering of the group comprises contracts listed at the European Energy Exchange (EEX), EPEX SPOT, Powernext,...
View ArticleOCC Cleared Contract Volume Down 18 Percent In July - Securities Lending CCP...
OCC, the world’s largest equity derivatives clearing organization, announced today that cleared contract volume in July was 317,045,566 contracts, down 18 percent from July 2015 volume of 385,404,937...
View ArticlePEGAS Trading Volumes In July 2016 - PEGAS Spot Volumes Increase By 55%...
PEGAS, the pan-European gas trading platform operated by the French Powernext SA, today announced that a total volume of 86.1 TWh was traded on PEGAS in July 2016 which represents a growth of 20%...
View ArticleThe Saudi Stock Exchange Performance Report â July 2016
At the end of July 2016 Tadawul All Share Index (TASI) closed at 6,302.17 points, decreased by 197.71 points (3.04%) over the close of the previous month. read more...
View ArticleThe Saudi Stock Exchange Announces The Publication Of The Monthly Stock...
The total value of shares traded for the month ending 31 July 2016 amounted to SAR 59.46 billion, decreasing by 29.45% over the previous month; while total stock market capitalization reached SAR...
View ArticleMGEX Reports July Volume Numbers
MGEX, a Designated Contract Market (DCM) and Derivatives Clearing Organization (DCO), has concluded the month of July with a total volume of 148,607 and an electronic volume of 128,905. read more...
View ArticleEEX New Participant: Bayerngas Energy GmbH
Bayerngas Energy GmbH has been admitted to exchange trading for Phelix Futures and Options, Italian Financial Power Futures and Options, French Financial Power Futures and Options, Swiss Financial...
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