Product Mix and Firm Productivity Responses to Trade Competition -- by...
We document how demand shocks in export markets lead French multi-product exporters to re-allocate the mix of products sold in those destinations. In response to positive demand shocks, those French...
View ArticleWeathering the Great Recession: Variation in Employment Responses by...
This paper finds that US employment changed differently relative to output in the Great Recession and recovery than in most other advanced countries or in the US in earlier recessions. Instead of...
View ArticleMonetary Policy with 100 Percent Reserve Banking: An Exploration -- by Edward...
We explore monetary policy in a world without fractional reserve banking. In our world, banks are purely transaction institutions. Money is a form of government debt that bears interest, which can be...
View ArticleDisentangling the Contemporaneous and Dynamic Effects of Human and Health...
In this study we quantify the life-cycle effects of human and health capital on the wage distribution of females, with a focus on health measured by body mass. We use NLSY79 data on women followed...
View ArticleThe Inner Workings of the Patient Centered Medical Home Model -- by Guy...
The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) is a model for restructuring primary care with a focus on improved access to care and clinical excellence. However, to date, the evidence on its effect on...
View ArticleTaking the Leap: The Determinants of Entrepreneurs Hiring their First...
Job creation is one of the most important aspects of entrepreneurship, but we know relatively little about the hiring patterns and decisions of startups. Longitudinal data from the Integrated...
View ArticleFirst Cabin Fares from New York to the British Isles, 1826-1914 -- by Brandon...
We present a continuous time series on first cabin passenger fares for ocean travel from New York to the British Isles covering nearly a century of time. We discuss the conceptual and empirical...
View ArticleJoint U.S.-EU Financial Regulatory Forum Joint Statement
U.S. and EU participants in the Joint Financial Regulatory Forum (“Forum”) met on July 18 and 19, 2016 in Washington, D.C. to exchange views on financial regulatory developments as part of their...
View Article25Jul/Housing prices, mortgage interest rates and the rising share of capital...
Piketty (2014) documents how the share of aggregate income going to capital in the United States has risen in the post-war era. Rognlie (2015) has since shown that this is largely due to the housing...
View Article25Jul/Intraday dynamics of euro area sovereign credit risk contagion
We examine the role of the CDS and bond markets during and before the recent euro area sovereign debt crisis as transmission channels for credit risk contagion between sovereign entities. We analyse an...
View ArticleDeutsche Börse - London Stock Exchange Group: Announcement...
On 1 June 2016, HLDCO123 PLC, London, United Kingdom, (the “Bidder“) has published the offer document for its voluntary public takeover offer in the form of an exchange offer (“Takeover Offer“) to the...
View ArticleCFTC Staff Issues Advisory Clarifying Chief Compliance Officer Reporting Line...
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commissionâs Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight is issuing a staff advisory regarding chief compliance officer reporting line requirements for swap...
View ArticleSEC: LAN Airlines Settles FCPA Charges
The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that South American-based LAN Airlines has agreed to pay more than $22 million to settle parallel civil and criminal cases related to improper...
View ArticleCFTC Staff Issues Advisory Clarifying Chief Compliance Officer Reporting Line...
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight is issuing a staff advisory regarding chief compliance officer reporting line requirements for swap...
View ArticleWhat is Yahoo? What is Every Firm's Toughest and Most Important Question?
The Wall Street Journal has a good article today about Yahoo discussing the company's lengthy struggles leading up to its sale to Verizon. Jack Nicas writes, "Yahooâs prolonged demise serves as a...
View ArticleFirst Trading Day Ahold Delhaize On Euronext
Ahold Delhaize (ticker symbol: AD) celebrated its first trading day on Euronext. Following the successful merger of Ahold and Delhaize Group, Ahold Delhaize began trading on the Amsterdam and Brussels...
View ArticleEBA Consults On The Appropriate Basis For The Target Level Of Resolution...
Comments to this consultation can be sent to the EBA by clicking on the "send your comments" button on the consultation page. All contributions received will be published following the close of the...
View ArticlePreliminary Acceptance Level Of The Exchange Offer Made By HLDCO123 Plc To...
Based on the declarations of acceptance received and booked so far by the custodian banks for the exchange offer by HLDCO123 PLC, London, United Kingdom to the shareholders of Deutsche Börse AG in...
View ArticleNigerian Stock Exchange Promotes Cyber-Security Awareness Among Capital...
Consistent with its commitment to providing an efficient and sustainable capital market, the Nigerian Stock Exchange on July 12, 2016 organized the 3rd edition of the Nigerian Capital Market...
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